Restorative dentistry focuses on repairing & replacing damaged & missing teeth. Explore the restorative options available to you at our practice in London.x
Restorative dentistry focuses on repairing & replacing damaged & missing teeth. Explore the restorative options available to you at our practice in London.x
If your teeth become decayed, worn, chipped or broken there are a range of treatments that we can offer you. These include white fillings, inlays and onlays, crown and root canal treatments.
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Natural tooth loss can occur for a number of reasons including injury, decay and a number of oral health problems. Fortunately, there are a number […]
MORE >Inlays and onlays are examples of what we call an “indirect” restoration i.e. made outside the mouth and then glued in, as opposed to a filling […]
MORE >Discover glass ionomer fillings and composite restorations. Learn about the procedure and arrange an appointment with our practice today.
MORE >Explore the ways we can help you repair a cracked, chipped or broken tooth including dental fillings or implants. Arrange an appointment for repair now.
MORE >Tooth wear is an increasingly common problem these days and can be due to a variety of causes: A natural side effect of ageing Excessive […]
MORE >Tooth decay is caused by acid produced by bacteria in the mouth dissolving the hard enamel outer covering of the tooth. This can lead to […]